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Prof. Lena FUNG
Sports Affairs
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Ms. Joyce YU
Youth Activation and Inclusion
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Mr. Ho Pui Kam
Volunteer Affairs
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Dr. Tam Ping Kuen, Steven
Medical Affairs
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Dr. CHOI Hiu Nam, Peggy
Dr. Peggy CHOI has served as an executive committee member of Special Olympics Hong Kong since 2015, contributing to the physical and mental development of people with intellectual disabilities through sports, education, etc.
Dr. CHOI is currently the Associate Professor of Department of Sports and Recreation at Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong.
Mr. Wong Kin On, Dicky
Healthy Athletes
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Dr. Hung Se Fongn
Medical Affairs
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
林顥伊博士 JP於2015年初次接觸香港特殊奧運會,並以百欣慈善基金代表的身份,參加於美國洛杉磯舉辦的2015特殊奧林匹克夏季世界比賽嘉賓團,期間深受特奧運動員展現出的堅毅不屈和體育精神所感動。 自2017年起,林博士加入本會執行委員會,致力推動智障人士的身心發展及促進社會共融。
Dr. LAM Ho Yi, Evelyn, JP
Dr. Evelyn LAM JP’s relationship with Special Olympics Hong Kong (SOHK) began at the 2015 Special Olympics Summer World Games in Los Angeles, USA. As the representative of the donor, Por Yen Charitable Foundation, she joined the Hong Kong honorable guest team and was deeply moved by the determination and sportsmanship of Special Olympics’ athletes. Since 2017, she has served as an executive committee member of SOHK, contributing to the promotion of physical and mental development of people with intellectual disabilities (“ID”) and fostering social inclusion.
Dr. LAM currently serves as the Executive President of Lai Sun Group, actively engaging in public and charitable services. She is a member of Hong Kong Tourism Board, a member of Culture Commission, the Executive Vice-Chairman of Federation of HK Jiangsu Community Organization, Chairperson of Hong Kong United Youth Association, a Director of the youth committee of the Belt and Road General Chamber of Commerce and the Chief Executive Officer of Por Yen Charitable Foundation Limited.
Mr. Man Wai Shing, Wilson
Athlete Leadership
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Mr. Fong Ying Wai
Family Network
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”
Ms. CHEUNG Sau Yin, Sharon
Honorary Treasurer
Ms. Sharon CHEUNG has served as an executive committee member of Special Olympics Hong Kong (SOHK) since 2015, offering professional accounting advice to SOHK.
Ms. CHEUNG is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FCPA) with a practising-certificate in Hong Kong. She is also a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and a certified tax adviser (CTA) accredited by The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong.
Mr. Dave HO
Honorary Secretary
Mr. Dave HO has served as an executive committee member of Special Olympics Hong Kong since 2017, contributing to the physical and mental development of people with intellectual disabilities through sports, education, etc.
Mr. HO is devoted to sports and public services. He has also served on a number of community committees.
Mr. Ho Tai Ching
Law Enforcement Torch Run
An About Us page isn't just where you share the story of your brand. It's also where you tell your customer what you do for them and how you work to meet their needs in that area. It isn't so much “Here's what we're about,” but more like “Here's who we are, why we started, and what we can do for you.”